How did Ins&Arts start?

Building in ‘slow time’ everyday is how I keep the creative flow going.
— Britt Stefels

Ins&Arts started during my burn-out, about 1 year ago. Before that I worked as an interior designer, but I noticed that my passion and creativity were completely blocked. A main reason for this was because I was only living in the outside world and not in my inner world. I found it hard to set boundaries and ‘being busy’ was a distraction of what was really going on inside of me.

So when I was forced to take it slow and look inwards, I finally experienced peace and quiet again. Really listening to your inner voice can be a challenge in today's society. But slowly, my creativity and old hobby painting came back. It gave me so much joy to create again and I felt that I should take this to a higher level.

In combination with interior design, this was the perfect match for me. So I searched for a studio in Amsterdam and the rest is history… Building in ‘slow’ time everyday now to keep the creative flow going. For me, this means taking walks in nature, meditating, writing and listening to my favorite music.

With Ins&Arts I can share what is happening INSide of me, by expressing this in my ARTs. This new journey allows me to share both my personal and career growth with you. Seeing my fantasy getting real is my biggest dream come true.


Artwork: the ego & fan